Friday, August 29, 2014

a quarter year quickly

hard to believe it has been so long since i have written.  my uncle len asked me to write again when I was home in june- he said he can see my soul. so uncle len, this one is for you.

i am doing well. i could create a list of things in my life that all add up to ok.  some even stand out as awesome.  the best news i got is that my sister is coming to visit for my 40th birthday. it will not be an ideal time for colorado greatness but then all we want to do is just hang out anyways and do all of the fuzzy things that sisters do. my great friend jen just arrived in indonesia where she will be living her dream for the next 90 days.  although i am absolutely thrilled for her to enter this next stage in her life, i will be counting the days until i see her smile again.  ya know how you just click with some people- that's how i feel about jen. some people come along and light your fire and she stoked my shit pile up with some kindling.  enjoyed some distractions over the summer, people, places, indulged in some clothes shopping recently... occasional debauchery.  three weeks in june to go to wakarusa then home for family love. a large nova scotia contingent was present and some time with my nan, nieces and sister was awesome.  I love the people at home.  Dave took me out fishing capped with beautiful sunset and super audio listening until the wee hours. nicole and i hung out, birthday parties, fathers day all so much fun! Happy aunties were a treat but the topper was when the board asked me to be the executive director.  a dream come true.  the choice to pursue this dream has caused me to shift my attention from privacy to climate change education.  for the first time in a long time i feel that someone has come along to change people's minds and i endeavour to support that fully.  through the fusion of art and science we aim to inspire a connection to nature, invoke a desire to preserve and respect it.... Anyone who knows me will tell you that is my wheelhouse.  This is the exact reason i take pictures. to get someone to pause, and look and FEEL.  I return to a work hard swell on this ocean of life now.  twelve hours at the desk some days and many more in the hammock, the shower, at 4am.... i am glad to devote this time to the only cause that actually matters.  it is the only real global crisis.  i am fueled by a passion and i will attempt to get people to give a shit with my last breath.  well, the dandelion greens are done and the garlic getting too fragrant so i must sign off for now.  uncle len, i am ok, my soul is set to crazy diamond shine and that it does, that is does.

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