Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I lay here and observe the world sideways. Not with one of those casual glances but actually study the landscape. That house over there looks like a giants face half planted in the earth, a window eye and shingle sideburns.  I have half read a book, as I do so often, titled a sideways look at time. It is one of my favourites. The essay moves the reader through the evolution of time and its keeping through the generations. It reminds me so fully that this arrow is but a perception of vibration.  We as humans have so many descriptors for time, so many associations - who had a calendar with cute puppies for each month? I remember being thrilled to change over the month and when younger and wished for time to pass quickly. Now that I have achieved most of the milestones set forth by this society i find my wish is for time to slow, for that extra hour with a friend round the fire, for one more day in a busy week, a kiss to last an hour instead of a minute.
I know I will blink and this moment will be the past. So I lay here, sideways, and cherish this time.

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