love the art
create an awareness, a desire to look and relate to what is around you
perhaps it is not there... you are in the city
i wish you the courage to seek the nature
do not be daunted, you will find it is like coming home
touch that tree and know time, time beyond your life.
smell it- history books all have the same smell. these living legends are multidimensional in their story telling.
we try to relate the fullness of the experience to others with 3x5s and only a few have a handful of prints that even begin to whisper into the ear of beauty.
give them the beauty that makes them stop, look and listen- if even only for a moment... perhaps the seed will float into their consciousness. A gift for the eyes and heart, food for the brain and feet. perhaps a rare commodity in this age... it's uniqueness intriguing. be compelled to share that rarity with others.
we know quality when we see it.